The comprehensive coursework required as part of the UUGPGC is evaluated on a regular basis by the curriculum committee to stay on the cutting edge of our evolving field.  Upon graduation, students will be prepared to work as professional genetic counselors in a variety of both traditional and expanded genetic counseling settings.

Required courses by semester:

 Name of CourseCourse #Credits
Fall Year 1 16 crBiochemical GeneticsHGEN 73803
 Professional Development in Genetic CounselingHGEN 64001
 Counseling Skills & ProcessHGEN 6211- 0023
 Genetic Counseling Seminar I: Principles of Genetic CounselingHGEN 64203
 Human GeneticsHGEN 65003
 Perinatal GeneticsHGEN 63003
 Embryology Certificate (University of Cincinnati)online0
Spring 15 crClinical Cancer GeneticsHGEN 65033
 Clinical Genetics Across the LifespanHGEN 64703
 Genetic Counseling Seminar llHGEN 64303
 Practical Applications of Clinical GeneticsHGEN 64102
 Professional Development in Genetic CounselingH GEN 64003
 Research Methods for Genetic Counseling StudentsH GEN 68201
Summer 9 crGenetic Counseling ResearchHGEN 6900 or 6970*2
 ARUP Laboratory Fieldwork CourseHGEN 65502
 GC Fieldwork Orientation and Myriad GeneticsHGEN 68002
 Supervised Fieldwork in Genetic CounselingHGEN 68503
Fall Year 2 13.5 crGenetic Counseling Seminar IIIHGEN 64403
 Genetic Counseling ResearchHGEN 6900 or 6970*3
 Supervised Fieldwork in Genetic Counseling, Sections 1 – 3HGEN 68507.5
Spring 13.5 crGenetic Counseling Seminar IVHGEN 64503
 Ethical and Legal Issues in Human GeneticsHGEN 67002
 Genetic Counseling ResearchHGEN 6900 or 69701
 Supervised Fieldwork in Genetic Counseling, Sections 1 – 3HGEN 68507.5